Collaboration is Key

For over two decades, we have brought together leaders from diverse geographies and sectors to convene powerful global initiatives. Through strong collaboration with governments, businesses, and international organizations, our research, strategy, and resources have advanced land management and sustainable development, improving livelihoods and restoring landscapes worldwide along the way.

Our work has significantly impacted integrated landscape management initiatives and the broader sustainable development field. Learn more about our involvement in these powerful initiatives, past and present.


EcoAg-Led Initiatives

1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People (1000L) is a radical collaboration of change agents working together to accelerate landscape efforts to sustain and restore ecosystems, build rural prosperity, and confront climate change.

1000L is convened by EcoAgriculture Partners and co-led with Rainforest Alliance, Commonland, Conservation International, the United Nations Development Programme, and information technology leader Tech Matters. Many other partners are sharing technical and financial expertise, and dozens of Landscape Partnerships are co-designing the initiative. Together, these organizations already engage with hundreds Landscape Partnerships worldwide and are positioned to provide a strategic bridge with international and national programs championing Landscape Partnerships.

EcoAgriculture Partners and collaborators developed a Landscape Climate-Smart Agriculture Planning course through pilot testing with 80 policymakers and agriculture and environmental leaders in Tanzania and Zanzibar to strengthen collaborative planning of climate-smart landscapes.

Ongoing Collaborations and Partnerships

The United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021—2030 aspires to unite the world behind a common goal of preventing, halting, and reversing the degradation of ecosystems worldwide.

Through this partnership, EcoAgriculture Partners will support the UN in its mission to protect forests, grasslands, croplands, wetlands, savannahs, and other terrestrial to inland water ecosystems, marine and coastal ecosystems and urban environments—all of them are in dire need of some level of protection and restoration.

The UNDP Equator Initiative supports resilient communities by recognizing the success of local and Indigenous initiatives and developing capacities to scale their impact. EcoAgriculture Partners began partnering with the Equator Initiative in 2005 to help advance sustainable development through a local, community-driven lens.

Through elevating local and Indigenous solutions in sustainable development research, policy, and action, the Equator Initiative is a platform for inspiring change and awarding community-driven efforts to build a better planet.

LandScale is a collaborative effort to drive land use improvements at scale by making reliable information about landscape sustainability widely available to decision-makers. EcoAgriculture Partners worked with LandScale in its earliest stage to develop the assessment and results platform to track and report landscape sustainability performance for landscape and seascape partnerships.

Through field testing, collaboration, and consultation, LandScale continues to build a hub of assessment providers and tools to help local leaders build credibility around sustainability efforts in their landscapes.

The Coalition for Private Investment in Conservation is a multi-stakeholder initiative that seeks to boost private, return-seeking investments in conservation projects. EcoAgriculture Partners is a member of the CPIC and co-leads the CPIC Working Group on landscape and seascape finance.

CPIC convenes working groups in a range of focal areas, from coastal resilience to green infrastructure for watershed management. Ongoing research and development of innovative financial models to advance sustainable and conservation-based investing is a fundamental component of CPIC’s work, bringing financial resources and long-lasting investment to landscapes.

AFR100 is a country-led effort to restore 100 million hectares of African land by 2030.

AFR100 is investing billions into locally-led land restoration efforts across Africa. Their participatory approach and collaboration among stakeholders help them make widespread positive impacts.

Initiative 20x20 works to protect and restore 50 million hectares of landscapes by 2030 with private and government investments to extend their impact.

EcoAgriculture Partners is a partner of this collaborative initiative to reverse land degradation in Latin America and the Caribbean. We routinely contribute our technical experience to analyze the sustainability of landscapes and implement partnerships, among other efforts.

EcoAgriculture Partners is a charter member of the GLF, a knowledge-led platform on sustainable landscapes. We generated knowledge about landscape and seascape partnerships and landscape finance.

GLF has grown to support many other initiatives and hosts its annual GLF conference to connect investors with local landscape actors.

EcoAgriculture Partners is a founding member of this initiative hosted by Climate-KIC. The initiative is developing a sustainable finance approach that mobilizes investment capital across multi-stakeholder sectors.

TransCap Initiative is moving systemic investing forward by convening workshops and collaborating on systems mapping.

Agroecology Coalition

EcoAgriculture Partners is a founding member of this coalition conceived at the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit. It supports the large-scale implementation of agroecological practices through policy, research, investment, and action programs.

Through their many working groups, including research and innovation, investments, and implementation, the Agroecology Coalition drives the paradigm of agroecology forward to restore lands and protect biodiversity in landscapes worldwide.

Past EcoAg-led Initiatives

From 2011-2020, EcoAgriculture Partners convened LPFN, a global coalition of more than 70 organizations and agencies dedicated to enhancing ILM. The initiative has since ended, but while active, it supported major institutions in adopting and strengthening integrated landscape approaches through capacity development, research, policy advocacy, and knowledge exchange.

The development of monitoring, assessment, implementation tools, and respective in-depth case studies remain fundamental resources among integrated landscape management experts in the field.

EcoAgriculture Partners co-created this toolkit to help landscape leaders create finance action plans by collaborating with multi-stakeholders and developing business plans for achieving investments.

Outcome: LIFT is working on a 2.0 model to share their data, tools, and processes with collaborators to decentralize data control and drive regenerative economies. 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People, the co-convened initiative by EcoAg, will continue to benefit from the data research from LIFT.

We Thank Our Financial Supporters

No one organization can solve global issues alone. Leading researchers, policymakers, communities, and every sector of the economy must band together to create sustainable, just, and fair answers for climate change, biodiversity loss, poverty, and broken food systems. EcoAg’s partners and supporters have allied to help the world break free from the silos that have held humanity and nature back.


EcoAgriculture Partners has real power because of their convening and facilitation skills. They do a fantastic job bringing everyone to the table and pulling out vital points in a conversation that ensure people’s work has a bigger impact. It’s a real strength.

Phemo Kgomotso
Principal Technical Advisor & Global Lead on Integrated Landscape Management at the United Nations Development Programme